FML for mobile
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By Tee - 10/11/2009 02:20 - Australia

Today, I was saying goodbye to my boyfriend before I got on my bus. As I turned to get on, the door closed on my face. I knocked on the door. The driver looked at me, and while still staring at me, drove off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 068
You deserved it 5 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flutist 3

Bus stops are not Love Connections. Get on the ******* bus in the time allotted to you and we won't have to wait for your ass. I hate people like you. You say goodbye before the bus comes, and then get on.

Now that's just mean. Report his/her ass to the transit center, etc. and have your BF there as witness. He/she'll be fired on the spot.


YDI. this isn't really FML worthy. "oh no. i'm the first person ever to miss the bus. and no bus driver has ever been a complete ass for no reason"

americayay 0

I don't think the bus driver was being an ass for no reason. OP probably just took too long to say goodbye to her boyfriend and the bus driver wasn't going to hold everyone up for that. At least that's my rational explanation.

Now that's just mean. Report his/her ass to the transit center, etc. and have your BF there as witness. He/she'll be fired on the spot.

Fired on the spot? You poor, naive soul. Here's what would actually happen: some guy in a suit would hear their complaint, assure them that repercussive actions would be taken, and generally placate them until they go away. Then, he would get the driver's side of the story, at which point they would laugh at the idiot passenger ancaresse about people who make their lives a living hell by not showing up/getting on when they're supposed to.

Flutist 3

Bus stops are not Love Connections. Get on the ******* bus in the time allotted to you and we won't have to wait for your ass. I hate people like you. You say goodbye before the bus comes, and then get on.

I agree. People who wait until the last possible minute before getting on the bus are aggravatingly annoying. Particularly, they always seem to wait just outside of it and never look at the multitude of clocks, instead choosing to wait for the doors to close before even attempting to get on. I really don't understand how drivers put up with these narcissists. Kudos go to OP's driver for doing the right thing.

KayleeFrye 39

I agree. You should get on the bus right away, not stand there saying goodbye to people. Say goodbye before the bus gets there, or you see it coming down the street. Not only are you holding up the people on the bus, but you are also holding up all of the people driving behind it! Stop being so self-centered!

YDI deserve it for not kicking in the door and busdriver.

Practice the face Puss-in-Boots makes, from Shrek.

I agree with #4, just get on the bus and stop wasting everyone's time

Only saying good bye and that happened? Boy, was the driver having a bad day or what?! Driver was probably jealous as he/she was staring at u driving away. strange. why stare, like u got some chip on ur shoulder? go figure... ahh, whatever. just be thankful ur not as bitter as the driver :)

Depends on what "saying goodbye" means. Does it mean a quick 5 second hug and kiss and a "goodbye"? Or does it mean 5 minute make out session?

;) You're absolutely right. I was thinking that, but I took it literally, "....saying goodbye...." Short and sweet, like any normal courteous person. Of course, if it was a long drawn out good bye, then it really wouldn't be a FML.

#31 that's what I was thinking. A quick hug is ok but if they were doing more than just a quick peck, it's a big YDI.

Here, here, Flutist. I hate people who take forever to get on the bus. Especially if they're just sitting there making out. You should have said goodbye when you saw the ******* vessel coming towards you instead of pissing around.

Flutist 3

Vessel! Op is from the future where they ride space ships and its rude for people to expect you to follow the rules and allow them to do their job. How could I not see it. Sorry Op, you and your android boyfriend are so allowed to cosmically suck tongue while the bus driver gets in trouble for being late and getting written up. God forbid that the bus driver try to make sure they do their job AND let other people get to work, home, or on to their lives. I am so sorry I did not realize it was the LASt BUS IN THE WORLD and if saying goodbye was really that important you could not have waited. Sorry, I have to take public transportation. The only people we wait for are gimps and old people. FTW. Bus driver for the win.

I think you confused the bus with a taxi. Bus drivers don't care to wait, so next time kiss your boyfriend goodbye before it gets there. Or flash the driver. Your choice.