By Yo mom - 27/12/2011 07:12 - United States

Today, I was screaming at my neighbor to shut his dog up. After 30 minutes of bellowing, he yelled back that it was my dog that was barking. He was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 679
You deserved it 55 059

Same thing different taste


I agree with above commenters, how could you not tell it was your own dog barking? My hat goes off to the neighbour for putting up with both you and your dog barking for so long.

This is as bad as the asshole that cuts you off and gives you the finger! Way to go Jackass!

Makes me feel happy I've got a pet fish.

YDI for putting 'Yo Mom' as your name. You ******* pig!

bellahorse 5

Bro, you don't know what your own dogs bark sounds like?

How do you not know the sound of your dog's bark?