By Sodapop40 - 22/02/2014 21:21 - Canada - Whitecourt

Today, I was shopping, when a man pointed at me and said to his friend, "Her. She's the one." He replied, "Yes, she'll do fine." I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 380
You deserved it 3 715

Sodapop40 tells us more.

Sodapop40 21

They saw me staring at them with terror in my eyes, and quickly came over to ask me if I wanted tto model with their agency? Um, no.

Top comments

ihavenolifehaha 16
carcinogenic 7

Well aren't you the chosen one!


RandomHavoc1 13

obviously they were planning on taking your picture and sending it to the prettiest girls contest on fb. duh. ...that is really creepy op, be careful for dudes following close behind you. D:

Remember some people will call being called "the one" randomly on the street love at first sight.

18 I'd prefer a bad speller to a pedophile any day

I don't think I've ever seen an FML that demands a follow-up more than this one does.