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By gunman - 20/10/2009 04:57 - United States

Today, I was showing my friend's dad an airsoft gun I was hoping he would be interested in buying. It's a pistol worth about 90 bucks. In the midst of showing him, I thought it would be funny to do a fake, upwards "pistol whip". The mag ended up flying out full speed and hitting him in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 933
You deserved it 45 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you trying to be cool? Two problems: 1. Airsoft guns do not make you cool (can be fun though) 2. ******* pistol whipping with a plastic gun? Seriously... Not trying to sound like an ass btw. Just found this fml a little different. :)

letitbe56 0

Yes, because guns are like toys. Why would anything go wrong from playing with them?


tard, that's why you get stronger, non-Chinese gun

today, I was pistol whipped with and air soft gun. then I was "accidentally" shot in the the eye. i was also about to buy the gun but it broke when I was whipped.

if you read properly, you would see that he wasn't hit in the eye, but his friend's dad was.

If you have common sense, you'd realise he is referring to the friend's dad.

If u had Steady aim pro, it wouldn't be a problem.

beastiness 14

I hate when someone's talking about guns and someone says something from call of duty

wellinever 5

The FML bit is missing. Surely that would come from his reaction to you fooling about with a gun - airsoft or otherwise. I hope he hurt you.

You deserve that - no sympathy from me

Hell I don't think that'd be worth laughing at even if everything went as planned and he pistol whipped the dad excellently.

FML wording fail. The way you wrote that, it looks like you thought it would be funny to hit him in the eye. (Which if it was, then YDI.)

letitbe56 0

Yes, because guns are like toys. Why would anything go wrong from playing with them?

Ninjasaurus18 9

-sarcasm- Sorry, you just forgot the write that at the end, so I though I'd help. And yeah, you don't mess with a motherfucking gun; no matter what kind, whether it's loaded or not or anything. You don't mess wit guns.

bosshaug 0

Airsoft guns are ******* stupid if you and your friends want use "guns" shoot real one instead and get rid of waste in society

Neoswords 0

Airsoft is a sport.Did you know that?And plus,there not that dangerous.All they can to is leave a small mark and dig out your eye if your on the field there playing on with out eye protection.Real guns can kill you easily.So,are you really that much of a idiot?

glassarchitect 0

Yes! Someone else who plays Airsoft.. I work for an Airsoft company/team in Michigan :)

frozenshake 5

...what do you mean by "dig out your eye"? just wondering :P

U can't have wars with your freinds with real guns, stupid

If you get hit in the eye witj a 6mm piece of plastic going 500feet per second it might just completely obliterate your eye

Airsoft guns are a great way to have fun while shooting your friends, and you cant have that much fun with real guns.

First rule of gun safety: Never point a loaded gun at someone else.

Were you trying to be cool? Two problems: 1. Airsoft guns do not make you cool (can be fun though) 2. ******* pistol whipping with a plastic gun? Seriously... Not trying to sound like an ass btw. Just found this fml a little different. :)

Link5794 18

Pistol whipping isn't safe with real guns, either.

postaltubealex 0

This is why I am glad we don't have such a big gun culture. I mean, murders still happen here, it's just that the accidents are less likely to cause death.