By CAchickadee - 29/05/2011 04:27 - United States

Today, I was singing while unloading my dishwasher. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it only to find the police telling me they received noise complaints from my neighbors. I live next-door to my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 305
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you live next door to your parents? WTF?

You must have been singing for a bloody long time if the police arrived before you finish, because everyone knows they take their time. I would have rung as well, learn to shut the **** up.


I think the FML here is that you live next door to your parents v

thats what I said!!! I don't get it, what was OP fed up of his/her friends making fun if her for not moving out, and this is what he/she came up with? sorry for gender confusion I am too lazy to check.

You know how parents are, wanting to find out everything their child does. They musta made the walls thinner.

Egnar 19

Your parents don't have the right to live in a peaceful community? The fact that they didn't come to you first to tell you to be quiet tells me you more than likely do this often and have a poor ability to listen to them.

#21- Man...I've read some of your comments and let me tell you that you over-analyze everything.This is supposed to be fun, no one wants to read your comments of how it happened and/or why it happened.

Egnar 19

Than don't read them - Problem solved?

frodoman 13

I agree with you there smexi

JosephJ93 0

you seem like an arrogant ass

#32 - I'm glad you do. #27 - Oh believe me,I don't wanna read them,but I read comments like anyone else here,and I don't really know there is going to be SOMEONE commenting on the OP's life story.Stating the obvious much?

Egnar 19

I didn't think a 2 sentence response about the FML was commenting on the OPs life story - Forgive me, I'll go into the background like everyone else and post stupid and childish things that make no sense.

#51 - I'd rather have you doing that than playing Captain Obvious,and I have a feeling other people would too.And personally,I am here because I like reading so called "childish comments that make no sense"... Finding good puns to go with an FML story show creativity,I wouldn't call that a waste of time. I feel sorry for you if u don't have any creative cells in your brain.

You could just look at the username before reading the comment. If you see that it's Egnar then move on down the list. It's simple.

psychwardnurse 0

don't feed the troll, smexi. he got a raging boner because you decided to pay attention. if you ignore him, he will go away.... hopefully. :)

OP has the right to sing in his/her own damn home! It's not like it was a party!

How close is their house?? I play my guitar at unreasonably loud volumes and my neighbors have never complained! Wow.

Awww that sucks. :( but your parents were probably fooling around :)

the first 2 sentences are unnecessary. this should be read "I live next-door too my parents. FML"

professorparadox 0

Are your parents your only neighbours? I'm sure it's possible it wasn't them.

maybe it was your other neighbors ..?

mattmadden 0

OP FYL. Not for the noise complaint thing though. For having to live next to your parents.