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Dumpster diving

By rummaging - 18/05/2016 13:46 - United States - Bloomington

Today, my boyfriend found the box of photos I've been saving for my daughter. He was convinced I was pining over her father and emptied the box into the dumpster behind our apartment. I'm still not done digging through the garbage to find the photos from the day my daughter was born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 929
You deserved it 1 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think I would leave a partner that irrational!

Total disrespect for someone's property and boundaries is a classic sign of abuse, and combined with rabid jealousy, this doesn't bode well.


I think I would leave a partner that irrational!

hellobobismyname 24

Wow, couldn't agree more. OP, once you're done getting the photos, you need to take another trip to throw the garbage out. You know, the douche bag.

creativelexi 20

Leave him! You do not deserve that. This can only get worse!

crazy_bananas 31

He's a piece of shit boyfriend and you should dump him.

That's really terrible. He shouldn't have done that, Leave him.

You need to have a serious talk with him.

Forgive him Dump the bastard . 0 183

nicolai44 12

And the serious talk needs to start with, "It's not's you," and include the phrase, "Don't let the door hit you..."

Total disrespect for someone's property and boundaries is a classic sign of abuse, and combined with rabid jealousy, this doesn't bode well.

What an absolute ********. I'm not saying flat out that you should dump his ass, but that at least a serious conversation is in order.

Nyattack 14

Honestly, no, she should leave him without discussion. Somebody who would take the initiative of destroying their partner's property and memories just because they (very irrationally) suspect they might have feelings for their ex is NOT in the right mental state to have a respectful and sane relationship.

Yeah, you need to nope the **** out of that relationship.

He sounds like a paranoid a**. Dump him.

Leave him. He's not doing you any favor. dick move on his part