By CAchickadee - 29/05/2011 04:27 - United States

Today, I was singing while unloading my dishwasher. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it only to find the police telling me they received noise complaints from my neighbors. I live next-door to my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 305
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you live next door to your parents? WTF?

You must have been singing for a bloody long time if the police arrived before you finish, because everyone knows they take their time. I would have rung as well, learn to shut the **** up.


That0therguy 4

That's awesome. They seem like nice parents.

You must sing loud and very off key. Why not turn on some music... on low volume.

living next to your parents must suck.

That's what you get for living next to your parents.


idk what's worse living near parents or getting arrested by parents

dr3amcatchr 2
serenity40 6

first off...fyl for living next door to your parents. wtf is wrong with you? like thats any better than living with them. and second...either don't sing so loud or take singing lessons.

Wait, so you only have one neighbor? what about the other side?