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By Anonymous - 18/10/2009 12:09 - United States

Today, I was sleeping next to my girlfriend and I turned over to the sound of her talking in her sleep. Because it was so cute, I was happy and I smiled, until she began to talk about "Troy" and "all the nasty things you can do to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 723
You deserved it 2 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Standupboi 0

she probably means from high school musical

Talking in my sleep is how one of my exes found out I was planning on dumping him. His reaction just made me even gladder I was going to dump him.


troyboyd05 0

I'm can I do nasty things to her?

pu13 5

yes she prob imagined him singing as he did stuff. songs with names like "I'm just trying to fit in" and such... sexual jokes

That's what I was thinking worse comes to worse is ask her who Troy is or if she ever had a friend named Troy

Nobody cares if you're first ^ OP, that sux, but maybe she wuz talking about a movie character? I doubt it tho-I'm sry-being cheated on sux :-/

So... Are you trying to say you've never had a sex dream about someone other than your girlfriend?

Talking in my sleep is how one of my exes found out I was planning on dumping him. His reaction just made me even gladder I was going to dump him.

Standupboi 0

she probably means from high school musical

too little info to tell is than fml or an ydi

and sometimes people can't always help what they dream. so really, it's not an fyl!! more like not significant to your life at all.

Exactly. Often in my dreams, I forget that I have a boyfriend, and end up flirting in them with my guy friends that I would absolutely never date in real life. It doesn't really mean anything though

justmyluck1212 0

He could be a celebrity crush she has, lol.