By Anonymous - 08/12/2012 05:44 - United States - Pinellas Park

Today, I was snooping around in my parents' closet to see what I would get for Christmas, when I came across a UPS package. It was the video game I ordered off eBay 3 weeks ago, addressed to me. They told me it had never arrived and said I should ask Santa to bring it to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 536
You deserved it 5 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Samster2000 9

Take it and pretend they did nothing, then complain that they didn't get you anything for Christmas

MiloBear 11

On one hand, I want to say YDI for snooping around because it's rude to go through someone else's private things. On the other hand, your parents are cheapskates and liars. If you paid for the package yourself then take it out and tell them, "Hey, it arrived after all!"


This is kind of both an FML and a YDI, because it sucks that your parents are being cheap, but you kinda partially deserve it because you shouldn't snoop in people's closets like that, or purposely spoil your christmas presents, since most parents like to keep the gifts a surprise so they can watch their kids reactions, if I am correct.

Legendoflaw 4

Are they tight on money? That might be why. Shouldn't touch your parents stuff anyway.

But it was his own stuff since he was the one who bought the game...

ViviMage 38

Take it up with ups and ebay that it is a stolen package

SiSiRabbit 6

Don't be silly son, Santa put it in the closet for safe keeping.

maddonkey 3

Ur a guy, video games makes sense... Santa? How old are u?

Thing is, if my eBay package hadn't turned up after three weeks, I would've been talking to the seller/the delivery company/eBay - someone else could've made a loss due to having to replace/refund my lost package. The seller could have been punished by eBay, because eBay's rules favour the buyer immensely. So it was a serious dick move by your parents. FYL.