By Anonymous - 08/12/2012 05:44 - United States - Pinellas Park

Today, I was snooping around in my parents' closet to see what I would get for Christmas, when I came across a UPS package. It was the video game I ordered off eBay 3 weeks ago, addressed to me. They told me it had never arrived and said I should ask Santa to bring it to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 536
You deserved it 5 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Samster2000 9

Take it and pretend they did nothing, then complain that they didn't get you anything for Christmas

MiloBear 11

On one hand, I want to say YDI for snooping around because it's rude to go through someone else's private things. On the other hand, your parents are cheapskates and liars. If you paid for the package yourself then take it out and tell them, "Hey, it arrived after all!"


My parents did the EXACT same thing last year to me. I don't really see how this is an FML though. You're still getting what you want.

How about because his parents are giving him a present that he bought & paid for himself?

I wonder if you're trolling or if you're actually that stupid.

So take it back and if they ask, you can say that it finally arrived, there's nothing they can say in response that won't give them away. Or you can say you ordered it again/got it resent. This is exactly the reason why tracking numbers exist, I would advise getting one next time.

I would leave the open package somewhere they would see, near the trash/recycling bin and see if they say anything about it. It isn't like you stole it, it was yours to begin with and was even addressed to you. Though you still shouldn't have been snooping.

That's really ****** up. I hope that you at least confronted your parents about it.

Just leave it in the closet for them to give you for Christmas. Then take some stuff from the living room, wrap it in paper and voila...: you have your parents Christmas presents! Paid by themselves, like yours. See how they like it!

Haha. That's exactly what I did to my mom on last year's Christmas. I just grabbed a bunch of stuff from her room, wrapped it up, and put it under the Christmas tree. On Christmas day, she opened the presents and laughed like crazy.

Crap! My mums on a budget but would never do that to me. Tell me since it hasn't come say you'll get annother from online or say you talked to the person that sent it. If they don't say or do anything then yes, confront them!

Ask Santa for your money back. Or just tell your parents to give you your game. If they bitch you out for snooping tell them you learnt how to go behind people's backs from the best.

Whistlee 8

Tell them you contacted the company and the company is contacting UPS. If it was delivered (which it was), they will contact the local police and report a theft. They'll either admit or be nervous as hell. Turn the tables my friend....