By Anonymous - 08/12/2012 05:44 - United States - Pinellas Park

Today, I was snooping around in my parents' closet to see what I would get for Christmas, when I came across a UPS package. It was the video game I ordered off eBay 3 weeks ago, addressed to me. They told me it had never arrived and said I should ask Santa to bring it to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 536
You deserved it 5 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Samster2000 9

Take it and pretend they did nothing, then complain that they didn't get you anything for Christmas

MiloBear 11

On one hand, I want to say YDI for snooping around because it's rude to go through someone else's private things. On the other hand, your parents are cheapskates and liars. If you paid for the package yourself then take it out and tell them, "Hey, it arrived after all!"


You shouldn't have been buying things for yourself so close to Christmas. YDI for snooping in the first place

Ya OP how dare you be a responsible person by buying stuff for yourself! Shame on you! On a serious not, are you kidding me? It doesn't matter even if it's Christmas Eve, OP is allowed to spend their money how and when they want to.

Wtf? He shouldn't be spending his own money the way he wants? And his parents should be allowed to basically steal something he bought and re-gift it to him? Get over yourself.

Remove the game, insert something precious from your mum and dads stuff, slip back in, hide said game, waiting until they either warp the gift and comes yelling for you snooping in there closet or watch their faces on Christmas morning when you get happy....

This is the moment you will write about in your memoirs. This is the moment you realize your parents are just regular thieving people and the world comes into perspective. You will be able to see the truth and ignore the bullshit on the world and your path to success will laid right before your eyes. That moment begins with a decision to confront your life givers about stealing a video game you purchased then trying to trick you. Hold them accountable and your life may turn a direction you did not wish for, ignore it and forever be a kid. Tough call kid. I do not wish to be in your shoes.

skyeyez9 24 husband can be frugal at times, but damn. He would never steal our daughter's game that she bought and give it to her as a "gift from Santa." That is just Wrong.

starcrossddream 14

In the end while they definitely were in the wrong, somehow I feel for the parents in this one. I don't get the feeling that they are "cheap" I get the feeling that they are having financial issues and are embarrassed. Either way OP, they are and always will be your family. Be the bigger person; don't throw it in their faces, just wait for Christmas and thank them for the gift. Consider it the mercy and spirit of Christmas.

That's when you steal something from them, wrap it, and put it under the tree.

My parents did something like that to me once, only they decided to pay for it instead of having me do it.

Wow that's pretty ****** up stealing you kids stuff that they bought and giving it to them as a present even if they where on a tight budget that's just wrong..,

yousuck44 11

Am I the only one who thought when op was snooping in said parents room he would find something sexual in there?

carminecris89 13

That's really screwed up. Even if they are having financial problems. What they did was classless, tacky, and rude. If they can't afford to give a gift then they should explain that. There just isn't an excuse for this.