By hello - 11/07/2010 00:57 - Jordan

Today, I was so bored at a family gathering that I pretended to be busy texting the whole time. I don't know what's worse, that I'm not close to anyone in my family, or that I have no one close enough to text to about such things. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 338
You deserved it 8 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

moon21_fml 0

well i don't know your family but why don't you try to ease yourself in with the group? maybe in time, you'll find something great about them so that the family gatherings won't be as bad.. as for the friend thing, you should ask for your friends' phone numbers then actually start texting..

you should really get to know your family because friends aren't going to be there forever but usually family is and you obviously have no close friends so you should talk to your family instead of trying to look 'cool' in front of them...just sayingggg


ashylarry102 0
White_Fury 0

Maybe you should socialize instead of trying to fool people into thinking you are talking to others...

luvpav 0

I'm 16 and don't even have a phone. I have to text off my moms. :(

Silkie 0

#4- Way to point out the obvious. Lol :) I'm sure it took some hard thinking to come up with that. :P

EduardoCollazo1 0

you should talk to your family and make lies about your self lol say my gf wants me back home so I can sleep with her I'm sure they think that you're cool haha

what's with all these "I don't know what's worse" FML's?i dont know about everyone else, but I think it's getting kinda old... btw I'm only replying to this comment to be near the top :) lol

what's with all these "I don't know what's worse" FML's...I don't know about everyone else, but I think it's kinda old and btw I'm only replying to a comment so I can be near the top :)

I don't have any friends either, it ain't as bad as you would think...

BabyDacey 0

wow your a loser go talk to one of them that's the reason you have no friends too.

msyelowbubblegum 0

awww pooor youu haha u always have me to text :) hehe you could tell random people that! i tell people who arent soo close to me bout wats wrong.. but i do have bff i tell everything to :)

tweetbaby14 18

you're as lame as that girl that pretended she was on the phone. here let me fill you in on a little secret: NO ONE GIVES A DAMN WHETHER YOU TEXT/CALL A PERSON YOU ARE STILL A LOSER. you're welcome

I don't like my family, what I do is just put on my head phones and listen to music. Don't try and act cool by "texting."

that's a little harsh. mabey they are just a loner.

moon21_fml 0

well i don't know your family but why don't you try to ease yourself in with the group? maybe in time, you'll find something great about them so that the family gatherings won't be as bad.. as for the friend thing, you should ask for your friends' phone numbers then actually start texting..

Shookitup 0

true :) family + friends = happiness (at good times ^.^ )

Sounds like OP has issues socialising in general. Here's a hint OP, focus on the people you're with, because those pretend people a) aren't going to give anything back, and b) make you look stuck up and isolate you even more from your family. Oh, and pretending you're popular at school by fake texting won't help either.

RedPillSucks 31

I tried that once. The girls volleyball team was not happy. Perhaps I should have kept my clothes on while trying to "ease into the group"

maybe you're socially akward so no one wants to start conversations with you. fyl

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Wow....that was kind of bitchy.

haha how did you play that off? x) like would you randomly type shirt or what hah

Silkie 0

well I've been there but before I had a phone so would just sit there bored or pretend to be asleep

ydi for not being sociable, that's why you have nobody to text.