By limecat - 06/10/2009 07:12 - United States

Today, I was stopped by a cop while walking down the street. He was slowly trailing me before pulling along side of me and asking how my night was going. He then said, "You know I can't let you do this. Know those new jeans you bought? The sticker is still on the leg" and drove off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 309
You deserved it 37 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoonyIce 0

Good on him for it. What you SHOULD be complaining about is the fact that everyone ELSE who saw you that day didn't care to tell you.


Queenbea27 0

how is this an fml? it's hilarious. it would be better on MLIA, actually.

bobbobson23 0

it's a poorly made fml, but the point is probably that some pervert cop was checking a girl out and probably staring at her ass, and then just cracked a joke to mess her with and drive off. otherwise, i don't see any other possible way to turn this into an fml, since if he had stolen the pants, the cop wouldn't driven off.

I thought you got caught wearing stolen pants XD

antonioohama 0

Were they actual, factual Fashion Police??

deoxylophone 0

It's not really that embarrassing of a situation. you should learn how to let things go and you're life may not bed so "f***ed" anymore