By anonymous - 10/11/2016 14:29 - United States - Lewistown

Today, I was subpoenaed on behalf of my mother-in-law. My husband said if I didn't defend her and consequently lie under oath, our marriage is over. She said, "I can get rid of two problems in one day!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 801
You deserved it 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dblogic 19

I'd be tempted to testify truthfully and let them throw her in the slammer...or slap with a huge fine...or whatever penalty she's up against. Your husband shouldn't be blackmailing you with your own marriage. WOW.

crazy_bananas 31

What the ****. Don't listen to your idiot of a husband. If you get caught lying then you face serious prison time and a hefty fine, as lying in court is a federal offense.


Yeah sounds like that divorce might be a good idea anyway

Is he worth it if he's going to threaten you like that? **** that guy, testify. I:

Try to schedule your divorce hearing on the same day your MiL's trial is. Less trips to the courthouse! Your husband is a scumbag, I'd drop him.

Tell the truth and enjoy being single. You don't need either of these douchenozzles in your life.

Tell the truth. If your husband is taking that attitude, he's not on your side. If you lie under oath, you're not on the government's side, meaning you now have two entities that can totally screw you. That's why you need to tell the truth. Don't side with someone who isn't on your side.

TheLostCauseFML 40

Better off without that negativity in your life. Never lie under oath. A loving husband wouldn't ask you to lie, and from the sounds of it.. the Mother in-law has held quite a bit of animosity towards you for some time now. Do what's right. And YOU will solve three problems at once. Three birds, with one stone, rather than just two. No need to play Marriage Games. Goodluck, OP! May the odds be ever in your favor!

nope perjury can get you 5 years in jail

I don't know what "subpoenaed" is, but sounds like a shitty husband. Stand your ground! He shouldn't use your marriage against you! That is morally wrong.

So can you. Ditch both of their felonious asses. If you're feeling really mean, you could probably bring charges against your husband for his threats.