By NYM88 - 17/12/2015 18:34 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, I was sucking on a candy and I began choking. A coworker rushed over to give me the Heimlich maneuver. That freed the candy from my throat, and also the shit from my bowels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 499
You deserved it 2 362

NYM88 tells us more.

OP here. Firstly for those who automatically assumed my coworker was a male, you've made an ass out of you and supposedly me too. Secondly for those saying that they shouldn't have done the Heimlich maneuver and should have hit me on the back.. You've again made assumptions based on a lack of information. Unfortunately you are limited to the amount of characters your FML can be composed of so I had to leave out details. My coworker she first asked me if I could breathe, when I shook my head no, she gave a few thrusts with her palm to my back between the shoulder blades and when that failed to dislodge the candy she told me she was going to perform the Heimlich maneuver and I nodded and when she did she got it out in the first try thankfully and my ribs I think are still a bit tender from, I'd guess, bruising. And to those that said thankfully I'm alive.. Thanks, I am glad I am too even though cleaning up wasn't something I was glad about!


emi_alejandra 23

Sounds like a shitty situation! But at least you're okay.

That is seriously common. When your body panics it gets rid of everything. It's a fight or flight response.

As someone who used to work as a lifeguard. I hate when people say and use Heimlich maneuver. It was never backed by actual medical use and just happened to work.

I thought it said "Today, I was sucking on my coworker and started choking"...

mthurston 14

Today, a co-worker started choking on a piece of candy. I ran over to give him the Heimlich and he shit his pants. FML

The internet has ruined me. I read it as" today I was sucking on a ****".. I will find my way out now.

That guy wasn't first aid trained - you deliver back blows first, and abdominal thrusts only if that doesn't work. You're lucky he didn't crack a rib. FYL.