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By mariah_1_11 - 06/03/2010 05:14 - United States

Today, I was supposed to go on a date with a guy I really like. My friends convinced me that he was going to stand me up and that I should just stay home to avoid being hurt. He showed up; I didn't. My friends laughed at my gullible nature. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 272
You deserved it 41 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In case you don't know it, they are not your friends. And you are not too bright.

Some friends. You realize you just did to him what you didn't want done to you?


In case you don't know it, they are not your friends. And you are not too bright.

YDI big time. What do your friends know? Unless they had some hard hitting evidence, then you are just plain stupid and dont deserve to be in a relationship!

better to have no friends at all than to have friends like that

cater2U 0

your friends suck but that's what you get for listening to them

There's not really much to say here, #1 summed it up nicely. OP, you are either a complete and utter fool, have no self-esteem, or both. I'd say both; like a miserable sheep, you didn't even put up a fight. If you are not willing to take chances and risk getting hurt, you won't find love (which is well as you don't deserve it). Apologize to the bloke but don't bother dating till you work on you a bit. Hmm, I guess there was a lot to say.

TrekkieGirl 0

This should be and FML for the guy that you stood up, but I'd say he got off lucky. It is not the OP friends fault that she took their stupid advice and stood up a guy that she liked. Hopefully, she wouldn't go jump off a bridge if they "convinced" her too. This is not an FML! This is a if you are too dumb to think for yourself, then you can't complain when you get screwed.

Agreed, TrekG, but if OP is too dumb to think for herself, HL is F'ed. I wonder if she calls them her friends but they call her "that idiot at school that does whatever we tell her to." Sorry if this all sounds a bit harsh, OP, but you need a serious wake up call.

jackie_loka 0

wow that sucks for u, get some new friendss

saywaturcoco 0

we had pyjama day at skool nd me nd my friend decided to make one of our stupid friends wear her pj.... she did thinking we would!!! I cracked up!!!

boreddoubletears 0

OMG she wore pajamas on pajama day, she's so stupid, that's hilarious!!!! Seriously, WTF?!

Jazzmie 0

ydi for standing him up and you have horrid friends.

your the dumbest ******* shit of a twat alive

mariah_1_11 22

Ok, just to clarify, they did have info. He'd done it to a few girls and was known for using girls for sex. He was my dads friends son so I didn't know him well except what my I'd seen of him around parentols. I do have extreme low self esteem. I've been in counseling for a while now but I just can't seem to get over it. I tend to fall for guys that do nothing but hurt me. When I talked to him later and we worked this out. A few weeks later when he found out I wouldn't put out he dumped me. So... Looks like my friends were right, but I agree I still feel bad about it to this day.

mariah_1_11 22

Well I was young and dumb. But after him and I worked it out, he proved to be just as cruel when he ended it because I wouldn't put out (this was like junior year or something of high school). I'd never been in a relationship and relied on my friends for help. Instead, they manipulated me. It's not a moment I'm proud of but lesson learned.

YDI. Just because you think someone's going to pull a dog act doesn't mean you should do the same, especially if you like the guy.

please tell me all girls in Indiana aren't this simple?!

KerriGardner 0

no we really are not some ofus are more complicated and some of us are just plain fun!!! and like to chill out

I assure you, not all Indiana girls are this dense. I'm from there. I'd know. P:

Some friends. You realize you just did to him what you didn't want done to you?

nommnom_fml 0
adamsk1 0

the only things in life you should regret are the things you didn't do and wanted to. you may have just passed an amazing opprotunity by because of your so called friends. it's better to be stood up by someone and have ppl saying I told you so than to be going through life wondering what could have been. good job!!! ydi for being dumb

AlterEggo 0

YDI for sure. Get real friends.

davixen2009 0

wow! I agree with #1. they aren't your friends! also if you really liked him you shouldn't have went regardless of what your "friends" said! wow, you're crazy!

I was going to suggesting putting "friends" in quotes too. Clearly they are not friends.

Dump those toxic "friends" ASAP and apologize to the guy.

I agree with #11. Stay as far away from your "friends" as possible, they obviously don't give a crap about you. And be sure to tell the boy you were an idiot for believing them.

I don't understand why you would do that - did your 'friends' claim to have info you didn't (eg: "X told Y he was gonna stand you up!"), or were they saying he obviously wouldn't want to date you? Either way you should ditch these b*tches, but seriously YDI for not having faith in the guy.