By Anonymous - 14/12/2009 19:36 - United States

Today, I was taking the final exam for one of my classes. The teacher came over to my desk, grabbed my test and ripped it in half. Then he grabbed my hand and read the note I had written on it to remind myself to pay rent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 624
You deserved it 6 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's messed up. He didn't even check to see what was written on your hand first? I write reminders in my hand all the time.

fmlloverrct 0

did he give you another chance?


shut_the_hell_up 0

I totally agree that the professor should be writing this FML!! Isn't he suppose to be the smart one? Dumb Ass!

driedpeaches 0

most professors would ask to see your hand first and then rip up your test. I guess he was just a dumb ass. Hopefully he let you either retake it or tape the pieces back together lol

this is funny becuase there was an fml earlier that talk about a guy that ripped his students exam because he thought he was cheating but it turns out the note he was looking at was a self encouragment note... hahah how ironic

You, good sir, are an idiot and you totally deserved it. On the other hand, he actually has no legal right to grab at you or objects on your person - that's context for assault. Now, you can either report the act or use it as collateral for seeking compensation at your own discretion. The choice is up to you, but remember that there were probably plenty of witnesses.

Sadiistic 0

THis is why I cant stand teachers. They assume they think they know everything about everyone simply cause they "teach" By teach I mean crush and destroy all creativity and life and devour 12 to 30 years of your life as well as your soul... everyday of the week. most of them should be fired. and then placed somewhere around senile old people.. far far far from children or anyone under 40.

He deserves to get his ass kicked. And you deserve an A!

sorry, but no, no one deserves an A because their teacher is an idiot, all grades are earned, no matter what the circumstances, all the OP deserves is the chance to retake/finish the test.

YDI. You're not supposed to have stuff written on your body parts, that could be considered cheating.

i've seen this before. FYL if you fake fml stories.

here's a tip for the teacher, look at the note first