By Anonymous - 14/12/2009 19:36 - United States

Today, I was taking the final exam for one of my classes. The teacher came over to my desk, grabbed my test and ripped it in half. Then he grabbed my hand and read the note I had written on it to remind myself to pay rent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 625
You deserved it 6 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's messed up. He didn't even check to see what was written on your hand first? I write reminders in my hand all the time.

fmlloverrct 0

did he give you another chance?

Comments're totally an idiot for reminding yourself to pay rent. I mean come on have a final to take! Who cares if you have a place to live.... People...come on. It's not like he had: call girlfriend on his hand. This was something relatively important. The teacher is a complete artard for not checking the note and then flipping out. Besides, it was right on his hand....the teacher could have easily read it first before ripping it up....the teacher is actually pretty stupid because WHY would a student try to cheat by writing something on their hand IN PLAIN SIGHT! gosh...was it in your palm or what? The dude could have at least given you more credit for "cheating" more creatively.

noshitsherlock 0

YDI - you knew you had to take the test.

sparxva 12

fake. rehashing old fmls shouls be punishable somehow.

Give me the link or FML number, please. I searched with several keywords like "ripped" and "test" and things like that, and didn't find a copy of it. It's ok to be a similar story, because sometimes certain things happen to a lot of people. But if it's obviously an outright ripoff, we'll delete it.

chalkrocks 0

I believe this is the one: Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML If that doesn't work (it's slow for me for some reason), then try It's one of this character's favourites.

Ah ok. Yeah, they are similar, but different enough that we have no reason to think this one is a copy. Thanks, though. :)

you need a new search system if you didnt find it with words like ripped and test

smallfarmer3 0

YDI for thinking notin would be wrong writing something on ur hand when u had a huge exam dumass

The irony here is so thick - Somebody calling another a "Dumbass," while not even being able to spell it properly. smallfarmer3 - You're an idiot.

Why do you need to write on your hand to remind yourself to pay rent? You should be able to remember when you should pay rent since you pay it the same time each month. Rent is typically due at the end of the month or the beginning of the month. Even if you felt you had to write it down, couldn't you have put it down on a piece of paper and put it in you pocket? As far as the FML is concerned, I have to call shenanigans. What kind of teacher goes around ripping up someone's test paper during a test? This is unprofessional behavior. I've never experienced this and it sounds too outrageous to be true.

samhat 0

Outrageous? Yeah right. Teachers rip up tests all the time. I've seen it happen in all of the schools I went to.

Doesn't mean it didn't happen. Teachers have done worse. One word from anyone and they would rip the paper up.

Well, I think it's ridiculous to say that people should have no trouble remembering to pay rent. People forget all the time. Plus, the student was probably busy with exams, which can cause you to forget things or just not have time for these. And personally, I have been in two classrooms where a teacher has ripped up a test, both thanks to suspected cheating. One student had formulas written all over their arm, and the other had their notebook hanging out of their backpack (these are both in high school, by the way).

Your teacher sounds like a total spaz. And I do believe you... some teachers are like that. They are so desperate to assert their authority that they do the most ridiculous things. At least you learned something valuable: leave notes for yourself in a conspicuous place other than your body parts. For example, to remind yourself to pay rent, you could have written that note... on a check. You could have written the name of the person on the "note" and the amount and even signed the "note". Then you could have left it in a conspicuous place... like your landlord's hand or the rental office.

Haha this reminds me of the one where the TA ripped up the boys test and then read the note he had that said " I beleive in you love mom. Hahahaha

screw the teacher. they cant tear your answer copy in any circumstances.

jane_says_ 0

Oh my God, I am so always worried about that happening... 58 if you're at the point where you're writing on your hand to remember stuff you'd no doubt lose the post-it anyway ;)