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Nice try

By rutho - 27/03/2009 04:39 - United States

Today, I cheated on a math test by writing a couple of equations on my hand. Totally satisfied, I handed my test in, feeling like I had aced it. As I was heading toward the door, I happily waved goodbye to my teacher. She saw everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 928
You deserved it 208 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pride before the fall. Try not to be so cocky next time you cheat.

That's just poor planning on your part. If you're not using the inside of your water bottle label, or the visor of your baseball cap YDI.


Pride before the fall. Try not to be so cocky next time you cheat.

tapdancr4eva 0

Why the hell would u write it on ur feet ur deff going to be caught doing that. I suggest writing it on ur hand just like u did but after u turn the test in ask to go to the bathroom and wash it all off.

rawrkittehpwnage 0

If ur stupid enough to do that u should be in middle school... And I know I don't have perfect grammar I'm too lazy to type it all :)

120- he wrote it on his HAND. before you insult him get your facts straight. dumbass.

nobody said anything about writing it on their feet.

CookieKidrauhl 0

Actually, a recent study showed that cheaters are much more successful in life than people who don't cheat.

That's just poor planning on your part. If you're not using the inside of your water bottle label, or the visor of your baseball cap YDI.

this reminds me of when i wrote some answers on my hand well it was more like my arm and then i wrote the hw for my class on the top of my hand. when i turned in the test, my teacher goes...let me see ur hand. she didnt see my answers, thank god, only the hw. and i got off. that sucks, but that is your own fault,sorry kidd!

..I use my phone and it works perfectly..just sit in back of the class....also write on a piece of paper and put it in your sleeve..also you can like write on your ankle and lift your pant leg while in exam lol..they all work.

CookieKidrauhl 0

Or you could just study. That works too.

How about say no to any cheating :) That's what it's like in college.

Gloritank 8
swimmer911 0

thank you. everyone else is giving him better ways to cheat I'm like Woah what happened to NOT cheating? where's everyone's self respect?!

gracevet88 0
pancakes_n_syrup 0

YDI big're a dumbass to get caught like that ha

lifesabit 0

YDI 1) Don't cheat (waaaaah but Life! Everyoooonnnnnneeeeeee cheatsssss soooo beeeeee nicceeeeeee......) 2) If you intend to cheat don't be a dumbass.

why cheat lol u dont cheat anybody u cheat ur self and belive me u'll suffer this when u enter ur practical life but hey am only 15 years old but I here this talk all the time and I find it right so I will never cheat =)

I'm 18 and I totally agree. Cheating always gets you in trouble. (or at least me) so don't cheat and work it out the hard way. Sorry about the extra work but everyone else has to do it too.

"Practical life" That does not involve most of the junk they teach you in school. I mean, you won't be able to stop global warming by writing an essay, for example!

You cheated. You were stupid and got caught. YDI! Now shuttup and start studying... Or your going to accomplish anything more than flipping burgers for me and asking if I want fries with that.

jjason_y 7

*You're. I agree cheating is bad, but it's mostly his fault that he waved. That is very stupid of him. Just because he cheated that one time doesn't mean he's a bad person or he's stupid. Maybe one day you could cheat on spelling by remembering you're isn't your?

How much can you actually fit on yours hands? =

your hair looks like a damn porcupine!