By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 16:46 - Ireland - Bagenalstown

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone, when I accidentally let rip a monstrous fart. He swore at me for being a pig, hung up, and has ignored all my subsequent calls. I try not to date idiots, but it's like I have a big old shithead-attracting magnet attached to me or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 139
You deserved it 14 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the fart fmls are always the funniest

Wow, like he never farts. What an ass. You deserve better, OP!


Wow! I tell the guy im dating that i need to fart and he tells me to go for it! haha. wow that sucks! obviously hes not worth it if he get mad about a fart! its natural!!

I don't understand the problem.... An over the phone conversation is one of the few times it should be okay to let farts rip. At the same time one's opinion is a lot like their asshole. Everyone has, yet no one like to hear it talk shit

I just want to punch that guy in the face

Wow. You're one classy catch. If only he recognized it....

smk201p 2

I would call you the ******** burping on the phone like a pig.

noisebox 1

Did you tell him: " you didn't seem to mind last night when you were butt blasting me"

Yeah, because it's so unnatural to fart.

geod69 8

At least now you don't have to call him back

Ok, guy needs a sense of humour. I think something else must of pissed him off that day.