By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 16:46 - Ireland - Bagenalstown

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone, when I accidentally let rip a monstrous fart. He swore at me for being a pig, hung up, and has ignored all my subsequent calls. I try not to date idiots, but it's like I have a big old shithead-attracting magnet attached to me or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 139
You deserved it 14 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the fart fmls are always the funniest

Wow, like he never farts. What an ass. You deserve better, OP!


Caliborn_06 11

You sound vulgar and unladylike. Which is very unattractive. I don't blame him at all. YDI

You'd be better off with a blown up sex doll then, because all girls pass gas.

baddawg365 0

To those who thumbed me down it was an earlier FML where a girl said she was so high she farted and her BF had jus walked in and she tried to blame it on the bird.

baddawg365 0

85- Are you kidding me? A chick ripping ass is different from smoking weed or smoking period. I mean how do you come up with that conclusion?

Farting is a natural thing. Do it loudly and proudly :) Besides, they sound so damn funny XD

I like the fact that you used the word ******** to describe him when talking about a fart FML, so poetic

And here we have a classic case of Nice Guy Syndrome.

blackvyper 8

Wherever you may be let your wind blow free 'cause that's what killed my granny.

PoeSG1 0

Hell, everyone does it... Sometimes it can't be helped. If you gotta go, you gotta go! On another note, all i seem to date are cheating bitches so look me up. :-p

Disgusting and not sexy at all. Yeah we all do it, but a woman should preserve the sexiness. Probably would have reacted the same way as your bf myself. ;-)

robc32ca 4

Why are you blaming the guys? You're the common denominator here!