By Liz - 09/01/2009 08:54 - France

Today, I was teaching a class, but the kids were all talking and chattering. After three soapbox-style speeches about how, "The next person who talks gets a note to take home," one kid looked right at me and went, "Meow." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 204
You deserved it 7 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eir_fml 1

that's what happens when you're all talk and no action. I liked the teachers that disciplined strictly more than the ones that would allow idiot classmates to do whatever they liked, personally.


dani_fizzle 0

dude, that kid isn't that funny unless s/he was adorable way to go #13 though cartman references make everything better :)

Emmett_Luver_101 0

12....good point and 11 thats not the same thing....thats just a kid listening to you after you take action when you say your going to and poster LOL...well you did say "word" that was a meow hahahahha i love this kid

Link5794 18

Well, technically "meow" is a word, but this is no place for a lesson on onomotopoeias.

underthestarsx3 0
akshar 0

shes saying her life sucks cuz she told her class to basically not talk and one student was a smartass and meowed. I think her life sucks cuz she has to teach them but she deserves it for not being able to make them shut up.

meningless 0

lol this may be the best FML ever. its just a break from the ordanary.

commenter2 0

haha that happens all the time in class except with different sounds

alex_vik 0

And that's when you write the note for the smartass to take home, and then call to make sure his parents got the note.

i agree with #22 hahaha butt it is still pretty funny (:

u so deserved that! it annoys me when teachers don't follow through with their actions. hi 5 to the meow kid :P that was quick thinking!

hehe333 0

what a smart ass, i like it :)