By Liz - 09/01/2009 08:54 - France

Today, I was teaching a class, but the kids were all talking and chattering. After three soapbox-style speeches about how, "The next person who talks gets a note to take home," one kid looked right at me and went, "Meow." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 204
You deserved it 7 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eir_fml 1

that's what happens when you're all talk and no action. I liked the teachers that disciplined strictly more than the ones that would allow idiot classmates to do whatever they liked, personally.


Hey i meow in my classes with lots of other people. Teacher's face: priceless

Yes, what "high scoop" do you teach?

jtdm25 2

that story has brightened my depressing day, that kid needs a good slap in the face! hahahaha meow!!

that is truely funny. i was crying when i read this and then i just started laughing and it brightened my day

It's probably the same kid that told the Christian to go to hell :3

see, uuuuuugh kids are so.... ugggg! lmao not saying I don't like them, but there little pricks aren't they lmao