By katiebug - 12/07/2016 02:27 - United States - Topeka

Today, I was trying to get a good night's sleep before the huge exam tomorrow, which I'm extremely anxious about. The SAME night my neighbor below me is having a home birth. It lasted NINE HOURS. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 271
You deserved it 1 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you aware of her plans of having a home birth, and the fact that it was going to happen somewhere around this time? If so, you should've foreseen the possibility of having a very noisy night, nine hours is not uncommon. It does suck that this happened right before your exam. If your neighbour didn't inform you, that's just rude, and something you might want to talk to her about at some point when she'll have recovered from giving birth.

I'm not sure if people usually get a 24 hour notice of the precise time of giving birth. .


dragoongirl90 34
middlenamefrank 8

Sometimes it's not all about you. Congratulate the happy couple!

Sorry but i'm not sure if she can help her labour.

Radayam 19

Were there nine people present? And does her apartment have nine doors?

Wow. Sorry that someone was going through the worst pain ever and doing something amazing. 9 hours is bloody quick. I was over 24 hours so I don't feel sorry for you in the slightest. I feel sorry for your neighbour and excited as well.

Worst pain ever? Says who? And it was her choice to do it there and in that way.

It's not like she did it at that time on purpose, OP. Probably not a very enjoyable night for her either.

oh my God they're having a homebirth in an apartment!! something about that feels really wrong were they third world immigrents(sp)or something?

Just wondering, what's the point in having home births? Isn't it more safe to be in a hospital where there are doctors to make sure that everything is going great and that the child is healthy?