By cay - 30/01/2013 19:59 - United States - Holley

Today, I was trying to sleep away a fever, when my grandma woke me up. She was sitting next to me, shoving gummy bears into my mouth until I started choking. She laughed, ran away, and denied everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 324
You deserved it 3 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Grandma running away and laughing? Are you sure you're not delirious from the fever? Go easy on the gummy bears and don't blame your dead relatives for your overindulgence.

Fair warning, you grandmother might be a sociopath. Don't go to sleep.


YDI for not having better ancestors....

Oh the things grandparents can get away with!! Gotta love it!

This fml actually made me laugh, what a grandma you have there.

BurumaB 2

At least it was something yummy instead of nondescript old people candy:-P

Your grandmother needs professional help

Is your grandma Betty White, because it sounds like she's off her rocker.