By NotSoTypical - 29/09/2013 23:30 - United States
NotSoTypical tells us more.
Hello, OP here! So you FMLers know, my wallet now goes in safe places when I use the bathroom( ie. My purse or backpack.) I was actually in the process of reaching down to pick it up when her hand appeared in my stall, from under the door. I didn't step on her hand, but thought about it. I did yell at her and report her to management, though. She has actually stolen other people's wallets, so I guess I am lucky.
Top comments
People these days.. Geeze.
Forget stepping on her fingers, I would have pissed on her.
I sometimes feel sorry for this planet
#34 you just made my day hahaha i could imagine the picture in my head
Next time that happens she should just step on her fingers...
Some people just.....just make you wonder. How the hell are you going to try and take someone's wallet? 1. You're in two seperats stalls, your hand shouldn't even be in any other stall besides yours! 2. You know someone is in the stall next to you, but you still try and take it anyway. I bet if you asked her why she did it, she would've said, "I didn't know you were in there.".....-_- If I were you I would've just shit on her hand. Imagine how fast she'd be running out her stall...

Hashtag thirsty!
**** it, number sign not thirsty
That doesn't make sense.....
My bad. I don't even know how I did that? It was at 3:30 in the morning. I'm sorry.
Welcome to our quaint little community of FML we have our regulars, our "almost there" comments, grammar nazis and a fair share of assholes. You brought that #shit in and now we invite you to get the **** out.
That is one if my favorite comments of all time.
tic-tac-toe board you all suck
No....just no. How does that even make sense? Like wtf?
It's Mcdonalds and weird ***** are bound to happen
@3 Not weird, just greasy. ;-)
She was desperate.
She is ghetto!
#25- woah, being "ghetto" doesn't make you like that, in fact there are people who live in the "ghetto" that are very helpful towards others. I should know because I lived there. please do not generalize people who do stupid, selfish and ignorant things as "ghetto"
She can't! She's in a stall!
Yes, yes it was.
It's McDonald's. What else were you expecting?
Below average food?
Stamp on it!

People these days.. Geeze.
I hope you stomped on her hand.