By FishStampede - 16/05/2009 12:11 - Korea Republic of

Today, I was visiting a national park and went for a swim. Afterwards, I needed to change clothes but the bathrooms were closed. I went off into the woods to change. As soon as I was naked, I heard hooves and sixteen people on horseback rode by. I'd stripped by a horse trail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 949
You deserved it 18 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, I'm an American too. I thoughtfully admit we are pretty damn stupid sometimes.

loveyababe 0

smooth! hahahaha at least they breezed by quickly.


RazorbladeSmiles 0

National parks have the best scenery.

I_like_skittles 0

16 people rode by you? I'm sorry, but if I had been caught naked I would have been diving for cover, not standing there to count how many people had just seen me.

ofwglui 0

haha bet they didn't like what they saw

I would have just kept putting on my clothes. No big deal really.

And you couldn't wait for like a minute?