By FishStampede - 16/05/2009 12:11 - Korea Republic of

Today, I was visiting a national park and went for a swim. Afterwards, I needed to change clothes but the bathrooms were closed. I went off into the woods to change. As soon as I was naked, I heard hooves and sixteen people on horseback rode by. I'd stripped by a horse trail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 949
You deserved it 18 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, I'm an American too. I thoughtfully admit we are pretty damn stupid sometimes.

loveyababe 0

smooth! hahahaha at least they breezed by quickly.


maggie_gxx 0

and 24 how ELSE are you supposed to change.

you take one part of ur clothes off first (ie; a shirt) then u quickly change and continue. simple

Jakester 0

ooo I hope thoses horses didnt get turned on talk about the worst day of your life if they did. To those who clicked YDI because the op didnt know that it was a horse did it ever occur to you that maybe the op never rode a horse on a horse trail at least or maybe she couldnt see the horse trail? just a thought

zzyx 0

Don't worry, the horses were naked, too.

I don't understand why people always get naked in these FML's after swimming! I was a competitive swimmer for 12 years and I could probably count on one hand the amount of fellow swimmers that ever saw me naked! There are ways to do it people!

ohhhhshizzz 0

#35: Thank you, it is kind of confusing at first but this is what I do OP: Top off first, towel dry, wrap it around you and put your bra & shirt on over the towel, pull it off. Bottoms. towel dry, wrap it around you and put your undies and shorts on UNDER the towel, pull it off. Bam! no need for public nakedness.

woah #18 the internetz is srs business apparently

dearjennyanyway 0

ah so you we're seen in the nude by strangers on horse back. get over it.

Look on the bright side, at least they didn't point and laugh. I would have.

vag_fml 0

instead of changing in your car? people are so dumb on these fml's i'm beginning to seriously lose faith in people.

TheJusticar 0

Hurr hurr, your life is so ****** because a bunch of random people saw you naked, people you wont ever see again. idiot.