By ugly - 07/04/2009 23:34 - United States
Top comments
Wow, I think he won that one
144-like you just did? youre pathetic and op thats where you say something like "my boyfriend doesnt think im ugly." and ydi for insulting a 7 year old in the first place
let's all just fight in the fml post!!
He totally won:3
Not all Americans are like that you know?
douche. that wasn't insulting.
first response m8 go n h8
"At least I got makeup, whats your excuse?" xD
lol It sucks, but it never would have happened if you had just not let the kid get to you. When you volunteer, you're there to help and be nice, regardless of how annoying the kids are. They're kids, and you have to deal with it.
Dont try to blame her
Yeah, I generally like kids, but even I think that such a bratty kid doesn't deserve a nice reprimand, even if she's a volunteer! Kids need to know they can't treat other like that, especially their elders! I don't say I haven't misbehaved when I was young(er), but I didn't speak like that to anyone!
*sizzle sizzle* BURN. *high five* oh yesh.
I second #2, though I probably would have done the same thing. I think some people like the OP and me are just terrible with kids xD I once told a child never to listen to heavy metal or her mother would hate her. She ran away crying. o_o ANYWAY don't sweat it. He probably won't even remember the encounter the next time you see him.
You lost. Don't go around attacking rude kids. They'll usually come up with a counterattack that's even worse.
YDI for 1) insulting a 7 year-old, even if he's bratty. 2) insulting a bratty 7 year-old without expecting some sort of counterattack. 2) poor grammar.
I hope the second 2 was meant to be there.
I'd also like to point out that there were no capitalizations and punctuation.
Okay, so if you want to complain about someone else's mistakes, I don't think you should make mistakes in the process of complaining. Yet you have not used any capital letters or punctuation correctly and have wrote number 2 twice.
plus...chicks love assholes so he shouldnt have a problem
this is true.
Aye, tis a sad truth.
Wow you were seriously owned by a child, what the hell? That's got to burn!
and i'm #6. and i fail because i can't count. :D

Wow, I think he won that one
XD. He won. Hands DOWN. *pats back* Cookie?