By cricketsins - 11/08/2013 07:28 - United States - Smyrna

Today, I was walking along the beach at night with my family. A huge wave came up and knocked me over. When we got to the van, I realized that the keys that had been in my pocket were now in the ocean. Our cell phones, shoes, and money were in the van. We had to walk three miles to our hotel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 945
You deserved it 6 920

cricketsins tells us more.

OP here! Just to clarify: Waves knock people off their feet easily. We weren't lazy, we just didn't want to walk barefoot through a place covered with broken beer bottles and vomit. We couldn't break the window because the van had an alarm system, plus it was a nice van and we didn't want to harm it - especially if we were perfectly capable of walking to the hotel and dealing with it the next day.

Top comments

At least you didn't drown or something because all those things are replaceable, you are not.

Redoxx_fml 22


1968Guy 9

you need to man the hell up sister...

That happened to me once 1000 miles from home (obviously I didn't walk)

3 miles!!! What an ordeal you guys went through! May I suggest having it reanacted with Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones?

jarockstar27 10

Oh no! A three mile walk?! That's terrible!!!.....but serious OP it could be a lot could have been a 20 mile walk or longer....

hey. 3 miles could be a lot for some people! especially after walking through sand.

Keys don't exactly float, go back and find them

How the hell is he going to the keys if 'keys don't exactly float'? Dumbass

Goblin182 26

Maybe dig around in the sand where he fell?

Because to Ocean is so easy to find shit in. I mean it only took people 70 years to find the Titanic.

My dad lost his keys on the boardwalk once. He had them clipped to his belt loop but the clip broke. He looked for them for a long time before we gave up, walked to a police station to see if anyone turned any in, and then had to get a hotel for the night instead of going back to my grandparents camp site. Had to call a locksmith the next day. Luckily we had shoes and our money tho. Sorry OP! I know that feel.

Don't take your keys when you're close to the water! An get the buttons on the side of the car so u can at least get ur stuff

I'd be pretty bummed out that I lost my keys period. They can get kind of pricey depending on the key. Hopefully you can get them all replaced!