By freedomofmusic - 14/11/2010 18:54 - United States
freedomofmusic tells us more.
Hi, I'm the OP. 5'10" and 130lbs... is that fat? Cause that's me. Sure, he was joking, but it still hurt.
Top comments
that sux. but lay off the doughnuts!!!
YDI. Don't come to FML expecting sympathy for being fat. If you're not fat, then YDI for having no sense of humor.
God bless the Irish!!
Haha I lol'd at this. Your bf is awesome, but YDI.
lol that's ******* funny I might have to do that sometime
I think that's cutee ^-^ I thought a lot of couples said things like that to be cute, though? duh.
nice cleavage ^
Hehe. This made my day.
First of all it was a spelling error. Anyway, before my comment was changed, I commented onto this: Made my* but that didn't get posted. You're lucky that I like your comments. :/
Woah, what was I thinking? My comment wasn't changed... :/
I don't see the fml in this. He has a sense of humor.
ya no shit man, fool just get over it
Remember darlings: Not everyone can take a joke, especially if they have insecurities about their appearance.
nom nom nom! get in my belly! FAIL!

Remember darlings: Not everyone can take a joke, especially if they have insecurities about their appearance.
I don't see why you girls put up (or put out) for guys like that who keep your self-esteem checked. if you think it's funny, then it's Moran XML and if he's hurting your feelings then your relationship isn't very good with him.