By Eyesore - 16/04/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I was walking back to my home in the city in the dark. I'm paranoid, so when I saw movement behind me I clutched my mace. The faster I walked, the closer the person seemed to be. I spun around and sprayed my attacker with mace. It was my shadow and the wind blew the mace back into eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 196
You deserved it 86 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is mace? Like pepper spray? I'm assuming it's not the spiky club I'm thinking of, lol.

Well, I guess you showed your "attacker" lol. I hope the mace was not too bad though. =)


Agiggleaday 0

HEEHEEHEE!... idk im 14... >.>

haha when you said mace I thought you meant the weapon

miss2kute31 0

#187, I applaud you for being so smart... #20 , both can go die. #164, you can join them in hell... Thanks for your time. #

I say FYL because of your paranoia, but I also say YDI for being so paranoid that you're scared of your own shadow. The world isn't THAT bad of a place.

I assume mace means something different in the U.S.

@OP: Well, technically you did spray your attacker right in the face. It just so happens you attacked yourself with mace. How could you do that to such an innocent person so paranoid they are afraid of their own shadow?

Hatsutatsu 4

Maced yourself after you chased yourself? Sounds like you disgraced yourself.

_awesomeness585 11