FML for mobile
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By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 09:04 - Australia

Today, I was walking home down a small street while listening to my iPod. I really got into the music, and started to dance really badly, only to realise there was a car following me, trying to get past. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 226
You deserved it 31 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

10_4Franky 0

Why would you be walking in the middle of the road. It's called a sidewalk.

I sure hope the guy didn't record you, I think he did if not he would've honked at you to get out the way. I'll go search you up in YouTube(:


I don't think this is an FML. Just get out of the way?

cantfightfate 0

lol this is just really funny. Don't get embarrassed so easily. Learn to laugh at yourself.

thatisjank 0

It would have been funnier if she got hit. hahaha.

fakeaccountX 6
stephanie0613 0

Hahaha, sounds like something I've done. Pretty funny not all that embaressing tho.

10_4Franky 0

Why would you be walking in the middle of the road. It's called a sidewalk.

that's a good question. if it's late at night and dark out i sometimes walk in the street, I couldn't tell you why. although that's usually only on my home street since I don't expect any cars I guess walking diagonally down/across the street is faster. op still kinda deserves it

MissErikaHart 0

op called it a small street. maybe it was so small that it didn't have a sidewalk.

A lot of the roads here don't have any sidewalks and they're too small for cars to pass one another.

I sure hope the guy didn't record you, I think he did if not he would've honked at you to get out the way. I'll go search you up in YouTube(:

nibawan 0

try being more aware of your surroundings while in a road you idiot

xVictoriaDreamz 0
cantfightfate 0

you probably wouldn't be so grumpy if you ate once in a while anorexicbarbie.

Are you psychic? You seem to know a bunch about me.

I probably would have mowed you down, one less idiot to worry about.

Wirebiter 0

Good job having a cartoon ass in your profile pic, you creepy ****.

killabee 0

I thought it was funny, do I also qualify as "creepy ****"? Or maybe you're just a douche.

I thought it was funny, wirebiter's probably just a douche...

That's the part where you turn around, wave, and continue with your cooky dancing.

killabee 0
Hgielad_720 0