By Anonymous - 01/02/2012 01:11 - United States
Same thing different taste
By stardustveins - 24/09/2015 01:14 - United States - San Francisco
By FenderBender - 03/09/2009 04:54 - Canada
By KobraKommander - 17/03/2010 11:51 - France
By dumbluck - 16/03/2011 06:54 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/01/2017 02:00
By wolfpacking - 02/02/2010 05:51 - France
By Anonymous - 17/02/2014 17:43 - United States - Freeport
By calling_while_driving - 28/03/2011 07:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 00:54 - United States
By prettyinpurple - 10/02/2009 04:54 - United States
Top comments
I would say YDI but I would probably do the same when I finally start driving… it's tough being a musical person
I'm just glad tapping my foot to music now qualifies me as a music person
Yay for us musical people, I rock on the air guitar!
Ydi music can't mask the fact that you can't drive. That's like saying I'm sorry I ran that poor person crossing the road over; the music took over. If YOU can't control it don't drive. Or at least turn the radio off.
Yeah, my parents wouldn't let me turn the radio on when I was first starting out driving. Too big of a distraction
******* musical people, because of one of you clowns i lost my pride and joy that i had been building with my dad over the past 5 years! Music is not an excuse to have an accident... do yourself and the rest of the world a favour and hand your licence in!!!!
An idiotic person*
I'm sure op is Asian
Wow, I was kidding, I'm not that dumb And 13 no tapping your foot to music doesn't make you a musical person, but playing in 2 bands and doing studio work for various composers does
"Today, some stupid person was listening to this song and rear ended my car when I was late for work, stuck in traffic"
"We Will We Will Rock You!!!" Shit!
Fan of Queen are we? Well in that case, Mama! Just hit a car! Put my foot upon the gas, now I'm surely going to crash! Mama! My rates are going up! Didn't mean to bend his end and ensure an expensive trend! Oh mama!! Oooh oooh, didn't want to share my card, now he sees me as a tard!
Who hurt me??
You stay away from that mime GoW! I bet on his street performances so I can get that gambling adrenaline rush without the shady folk.
37- you're 15 years old. In what universe are you driving? Without a parent yelling at you to stop tapping the gas pedal? You don't fool me.
Uh, there are some places where you can drive at 15
As a drummer AND a mime, I can safely say that air drumming is my forte! Think of the break as your kick, the parking lock as your hi-hat pedal, the steering wheel as your toms, and the prostitute giving you front-seat head as your snare drum!
That song better have been one of the greatest songs of all time, because right now I bet you feel like an idiot.
6- Must have been singing and whistling to "Always Look On the Bright Side of Life." Monty Python classic. Doesn't get any better than that. This is coming from a person who listens to old school hip hop, funk, and classic rock.
Moterin'! What's your price for flight!?
Get a monster truck! Can I ride? Wee boop!
Atleast you know it wasn't for your bad driving, just not paying attention?
I like barbecue sauce!!!!!!
You should have been dragged from your car and gutter stomped, blood and bone fragments flying through the air. You are driving a car, a heavy chunk of metal that can easily end someone's life and you became so inattentive and distracted you risked killing someone. YDI. Treat your vehicle like a razor sharp knife.. with due care and attention at all times. Imagine if you hit the gas while you were stopped at a crossing and instead of the rear of another car it was a child. Couldn't live with yourself? Then get out and walk.
I agree with your point, but OP doesn't deserve to be abused....
Easy there bro. It's not like he t-boned the other driver.
No, but isn't that the problem, "oh it wasn't so bad, just a scratch" Not "holy shit that could've been a person" Take more care on the road. Stupidity kills.
I agree with your point, but OP doesn't deserve to be abused....
Someone took this FML way to seriously, I understand what you're saying but the point is that didn't happen, and we are all humans and make mistakes, no need to bring children into this, or wishing that OP had something that terrible happen to them, which shouldn't be wished on anyone, just because the accidentally tapped the gas pedal in stopped traffic.
26 - all he did was tap the rear end (giggity) of another car. It's not like he was drunk going 200 down a crowded street. It was a tiny accident, not vehicular manslaughter. And if it was a person, the worst case scenario would be a bruise, tops.
You guys do not take driving seriously enough, stay away from me please.
I take as seriously as the next guy, but you're overreacting. A lot.
Yea seriously 36 calm your shit. There are a lot of what ifs that can happen at any given time and in this case it was nothing major so stop blowing this out of proportion.
Ok, lets try another method of highlighting paying attention while driving. Car BIG. When Car hit OUCH. Careful when car drive.
Mate i agree with you 100% !!! As someone who has lost a mate to someone not paying attention on the road i can completely understand where youre coming from! Cars are bloody dangerous! Full attention and care should be taken, its the riskiest activity you do on a day to day basis. I hate seeing people talking on the phone, eating, and doing make up while driving. It pisses me right off!!!!!
53 - I dont even think you're a safety freak anymore. You're just kind of a pussy.
If you kick your gas to the beat, then I'd love to watch the highway mayhem that occurs when the drum solo kicks in! *what caused this accident?! Lars ulrich's crazy chops!*

"We Will We Will Rock You!!!" Shit!
I'm just glad tapping my foot to music now qualifies me as a music person