By Anonymous - 12/01/2014 17:28 - United States - Sharon

Today, I was walking home from a horrible day at work, when some idiot emptied a trashcan on my head from his apartment balcony. He cried "Oh shit!" and apologized because I wasn't his intended target. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 736
You deserved it 3 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahh sorry that happened OP! At least he said sorry, and maybe after having such a trashy day today, your day will turn out better tomorrow!

One man's trash is another man's treasure. He was just helping you get a jump start on finding that treasure.


At least he didn't throw the trash can down with the trash!

InsaneBolt 7

Throwing his garbage out a window? Shit, that is trashy!

Think on the bright side, maybe he will be charged for littering.

at least it wasn't a different kind of waste bucket

antisocialfreak 3

At leaat he apologized. Most people would just laugh at you.