By whathehell - 27/04/2013 08:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I was walking through a rough part of town, when a woman screamed that I'd stolen her bag. I was tackled to the ground by a large guy, who then gave my bag to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 144
You deserved it 3 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GuessWhatKids 13

Don't be fooled, they're a tag team. This is how they make their money.


Call the police...on yourself...sorta.

I've read this 5 times now and I still can't figure out what the **** it says

Couldn't you have shown them a liscense or other idenfication from your purse?

And this is why I'm glad to live in a country that allows us to own guns.

Can't imagine that would be very helpful if it was in your bag.

What? You would have shot them? That would have definitely helped you look less like a mugger...

I would've shot the guy who tackled me. To #68: I would've kept the gun on my waist, not in my purse.

:) You make me glad I don't live in your country. I think if you shot the guy, then you would have a lot more to worry about than a stolen purse. Life isn't like some action film where everyone would applaud you for shooting the "bad guy."

I wouldn't want applause. I would want my ******* purse. If someone steals from me, I think I have every right to hurt them and if they die, too bad. They shouldn't have stolen it. Unless you're a thief, don't worry about it. If you are, well, I can see why it would bother you.

lollypop30001 19

That's why you should own a gun

Yeah, and getting shot with your own gun will surely make you feel better :P.

Silver_89 9

FreshPie is pretending(?) to be the person who took OP's bag and gave it to the other woman.

roflstomp716 19

some people just have shitty morals.