By Anonymous - 27/04/2013 16:35 - Denmark

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because he says I need to learn how to be happy without relying on him. I'm not a clinger, I'm just unhappy because my dad recently passed away, my best friend turned on me, and I lost out on the exchange program of my dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 274
You deserved it 4 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

You don't need someone as inconsiderate as him. I'd say you're better off single.. You're gonna find someone who'll be there for you sooner or later x


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This isn't an FML this is a **** his life. He lost someone special today

he was probably hoping the exchange program would do the break-up for him, and then when it fell through he realised he'd have to step up... so sorry OP. But if he couldn't handle you unhappy then he didn't love you too much, so be glad he's gone and find someone who's really into you. good luck!

GemmaStyles 14

You don't need someone as inconsiderate as him. I'd say you're better off single.. You're gonna find someone who'll be there for you sooner or later x

I agree. Sounds like your ex boyfriend was out of his depth. Shallow, hollow and useless.

Man that really sucks... this FML isn't funny at all, not that it should be! but ya this FML is pretty sad.

Sorry for your loss OP :( losing your father is an extremely rough thing to go through, and I'm sorry you don't have your boyfriend's support :(

Or her other friends. However, (I'm gonna be totally cliche here, sorry) life does have its ups and downs, and while this is certainly a terrible down, it has to get better, hopefully soon.

I feel so bad for you. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one.

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superdom 12

Don't joke Taylor swift can go jump in a lake I'm sick of her crappy music I broke my heart bc done guy I didn't like was good to me

SystemofaBlink41 27

34, one moment, I need to get my Rosetta Stone. Nope, that's still incomprehensible.

theannak 7

I found this pretty funny. Why is it disliked?

Your boyfriend should be there for you in thick or thin. I hope someday you find that guy OP.

Ouch. Sorry OP. You are better off without him most likely if he just dumped you for that. Do what makes you happy :) that's all that matters.

You deserve better, anyway OP! He's a dick.

He's obviously not worth it if he can't recognise that you're going through a hard time and is too self centred to know why you're actually sad

It is good to find out now that he is not going to stick around. If you got married, he would leave you then too. He is a jerk and does not understand through thick and then (or for better or worse)!!!!