By Tiana - 29/01/2012 02:34 - Canada

Today, I was watching a movie in the basement with my boyfriend when we started to get a little frisky. My mom walks down with dirty laundry and tells him to stop it because I'm creaming all over my undies. She showed him a pair of dirty ones to prove it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 360
You deserved it 9 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juicedboi 7

Guys won't be turned off by that, don't worry. We are a sick bunch


Rick_E_Fresh 0

why is your mom doing your laundry in the first place?

76transam 0

Could have been worse, Dad could have came down, rubbed your nose in it, smacked u with a newspaper and politely asked the dude to leave at gunpoint! Just sayin...

NeuroticDesire 2

Well, it could've been worse at least she decided to embarrass you instead of getting irritable or trying to kick out your boyfriend. But yeah...she probably got some good laughs at humiliating you afterwards. I say score one for mom.

Do your own laundry. Problem solved.

bwtchinheels 0

What the **** is wrong with your Mom? If my Mom did that, I'd punch her on the spot. **** your life, hope your Mom smartens up. Cause she sounds like a mother ******.

dannnngthatsux 19

And I hope dad would put your ass down for hitting mom. Both my girls understand that if they hit my wife, there'd be nothing standing between them and a world of pain. The wife would take care of it first but if she didn't, down goes the $_:@= who dared hit my wife.

dontyawishyaknew 12

I must say in OP's defense that my mother refuses to let me do my own laundry even though I'm almost 18. It's weird but if it makes her more comfortable then I'm fine with it. However, I would be furious if she showed my bf my dirty underwear!

Why does you mom still do your laundry?? You deserved that for having her clean your dirty underwear!!