By whoahshloann - 30/05/2009 23:48 - United States

Today, I was watching Harry Potter. When all the students at Hogwarts started to clap at one point, I started clapping myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 872
You deserved it 54 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, I've done this too... Harry Potter is great. :)

OP: Google 'mirror neurons' - it's natural to mimic what you see, like wincing when someone gets punched in the balls or smiling when others are smiling. S'called being human. :) At least your brain's intact?


aqwafruitloop 0

well, my sister clapped when they won a quttich (sp?) match, and that was in the picture theater, on of the largest ones in the area and it was basically full.

Lol I'd probably do the same I like harry potter! Can't wait for half blood prince!! It's gonna be Awesome!!

I have deffinintly done that 1/2 the times i've watched the movies and have had to think about it and stop myself the other half. The 2nd ones ending especially. I LUV U HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LaTuaCantante 0

dont know whats worse? acting out things in the books as you read to my life =]

Alex_Is_Freaked 0

Hey nothing wrong with that HP is awesome. Lol... But maybe you need to find other ways to spend your time :)

katers4life 0

Wen I read this I fell off my bed laughing!!! This FML made my life!! xD

bmccravy 0

Haha! I did the same exact thing on opening night in a packed theatre. My friends laughed at me so hard lol. dont feel bad though, you were just into a great movie!