By Chris - 12/08/2010 01:55 - United States

Today, I was watching TV when a Toy Story 3 commercial came on. My Mom said, "Oh, I remember when I took you to see Toy Story. Now Andy's all grown up and so are you. The only difference is Andy is going to college and you're not." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 215
You deserved it 46 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

It's not your fault that your ma masturbates to the idea of having a kid that goes to college. You are you! Sometimes I wish I wasn't going to uni and had opted to learn a nice trade instead. Or married a very old hotel tycoon.


I cringed when I read this because I didn't go to college, either. I earned a culinary/baking certificate instead...

PERFECT! Bake us all some fresh bread, and use it to make us all sammiches!

#196 Make you own darn bread and sammiches! :P

PrettySmile24 0

this isn't really a FML she was just pointing out that Andy is just going to college.. and your not.. College isn't a requirement if you don't want to go.. it's your Option..

Hwikek 2

Go to college, even if it's a community college!

1. Agreed, Toy Story was a good movie. 2. Not everyone who ends up successful goes to college or university.

sallen0046 4

If you're fine with your life, this isn't a fml. If you're not, stop complaining and go to college. Community colleges, financial aid, and student loans exist for just such a purpose.

Babushka_Homyak 10

Actually, unless you're super rich, college may not be the best option. Coming from a recent grad, many jobs these days don't give a shit about a B.A. It's all about the previous job experience. Kind of makes me wish I didn't go. Wouldn't have 1000s of dollars in debt right now.