By NoFriends - 02/08/2009 17:12 - United States

Today, I was with my mom and my boyfriend at lunch. My phone rings and my mom excitedly says "You have friends!" As I'm about to answer it, she pulls out her phone from under the table and says "Kidding, it's just me." My boyfriend starts cracking up, and they exchange a high five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 962
You deserved it 7 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahaha your mom is hilarious....relax, it was just a joke.

thats awsome they're the cooloest people ever to hang out with, and at least your momma and boyfriend dont hate each other, geez be grateful


"my mom and boyfriend have a sense of homour and I don't, boohoo"

HAHAHAHAH This is hilarious. I'm sure they were just kidding, I mean, if you're lame enough to not have any friends, then how would you have a boyfriend? Just laugh.

that's a little joke, it happends... plus you have a boyfriend so you have to have SOME friends.

Funky_T 0

Thats just weirddd......sounds like your bf is getting more pleasure with your mum!!....FYL

HAHAHAHAHA. I would do something like that.

Haha your mom has an awesome sense of humor. I would do that. That's not an FML, just laugh it off :) because that really is hysterical.

That's something my mom and boyfriend would do. Hahaha they're just messin with you though, so laugh it off.

wow thats pretty funny, FYL cause you got own'd