By NoFriends - 02/08/2009 17:12 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Ohgreat - 17/10/2009 16:25 - United States
By that one anon - 07/05/2015 06:27 - United States - San Diego
By 1thapp3ns - 10/01/2010 04:29 - United States
By Lukey1028 - 14/07/2015 01:07 - United States - San Francisco
By Em - 15/10/2009 06:12 - France
By Riley99 - 31/08/2024 14:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/07/2019 12:00
By hunnydoll - 18/08/2009 00:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/06/2019 14:05
Hush, Mother
By Anonymous - 06/07/2024 22:00 - United States - Reno
Top comments
im sure they were just joking. i dont think you would have a bf if you were really a loser without friends. the fact that your bf is so comfortable with your mum is really sweet. i think you have it all (: your life is not ******.
Well, at least you have a boyfriend and he and you mom seems to get along well.
your mom is hilarious!! obviously u aren't friendless if u have a boyfriend.. it's just a joke
Nice prank, I should try that one day
my mom and my ex used to do that all the time. haha i thought it was funny though, i liked that my mom liked him at least.
hahahahaha your mom is hilarious....relax, it was just a joke.
thats awsome they're the cooloest people ever to hang out with, and at least your momma and boyfriend dont hate each other, geez be grateful