By NoFriends - 02/08/2009 17:12 - United States

Today, I was with my mom and my boyfriend at lunch. My phone rings and my mom excitedly says "You have friends!" As I'm about to answer it, she pulls out her phone from under the table and says "Kidding, it's just me." My boyfriend starts cracking up, and they exchange a high five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 962
You deserved it 7 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahaha your mom is hilarious....relax, it was just a joke.

thats awsome they're the cooloest people ever to hang out with, and at least your momma and boyfriend dont hate each other, geez be grateful


im sure they were just joking. i dont think you would have a bf if you were really a loser without friends. the fact that your bf is so comfortable with your mum is really sweet. i think you have it all (: your life is not ******.

Topguy 0

hahaha that was a good one though

Well, at least you have a boyfriend and he and you mom seems to get along well.

doubleAbattery 0

That's horrible! My mom always gets all excited whenever I get a text or something. She's under the impression that because I enjoy spending time at home, I have no friends. FYL.

wowfmlife 0

Okay seriously dude, it was a joke. And a pretty good one! That was funny

your mom is hilarious!! obviously u aren't friendless if u have a boyfriend.. it's just a joke

bbobe900000 0

I say FYL, because if this happened to me, I would have been pretty ******* pissed off. I hate it when people make bitchy, out-of-the-blue comments like that. Yeah I know she was joking but still... she acted like a ******* immature high schooler.

wanagetjagked 0

LAWL Your mom is hilarious! I could so picture myself doing this to my kids lmao!

my mom and my ex used to do that all the time. haha i thought it was funny though, i liked that my mom liked him at least.