By LostSleep - 24/05/2016 21:54 - United Kingdom

Today, I was woken at 4 a.m. by the sounds of someone crashing down the stairs. I scrambled out, still half-asleep, to find out that nobody was in an agonized heap at the bottom. The walls are so thin in my house that I could hear the neighbour falling down HIS stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 755
You deserved it 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you didn't fall when you checked.

Maybe you can wear something to bed that will muffle the sound so it doesn't bother you so much.


At least it wasn't a burglar, or your neighbor having sex...

ashyash90 8

FYL but I think your neighbor's life is really the F'ed one in this situation. Sorry you got woken up but I hope your neighbor is ok!

jakewill7 7

I feel like the one who fell down the stairs deserves to say FML a bit more...

So your neighbor fell down the stairs, but f your life? Okay.