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By Anonymous - 08/10/2009 04:30 - United States

Today, I went upstairs to scold my boys for running in the house because someone could get hurt. As I turned around to come back downstairs I tripped and fell all the way down to the landing at the bottom. I could hear them laughing in their rooms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 235
You deserved it 7 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL make sure to laugh at them when they come crying to you next time :)! ojay.

i'd say you proved your point. if you can get hurt going at normal speed, imagine what can happen when running!


LOL make sure to laugh at them when they come crying to you next time :)! ojay.

waterynuggets 0

Yeah!! That'll show 'em! Be the adult! Anyone got CPS on speed dial

Uh, no, but good idea. Sometimes reading FML makes you wonder...

amd3lky 0

I'd be laughing my ass off to

greenburbon 0

I find this very funny. I hope your better now, but still, to scold them about hurting themselves and then for you to be a clutz and fall down some stairs...ha.

meganrox14 0

this sounds just like the fml where the theater guy scolded kids then fell of the stage and shattered his cheek bone.

Let the kids be kids. Let them run around in the house or better yet, send them outside. I know that's a strange concept for parents.

ChronicFAIL 0

Your kids are some little demons if they hear you fall down stairs and just laugh... But your walking is fail so HAHA. XD

i'd say you proved your point. if you can get hurt going at normal speed, imagine what can happen when running!

jw90 18

This reminds me of an episode of Family Guy...

skyeyez9 24

my parents made us go outside to play rain, snow or sunshine! Playing in the summer rain is fun! If it is safe to do so, make your boys go outside, unhook the internet, video games, tv so they don't hesitate staying indoors.