By xnj319 - 12/03/2009 14:29 - Canada

Today, I was woken up by the sound of power tools at 6:30am. I stuck my head out my window and yelled at them to shut up. They didn't stop. I walked out the front door to find the bastard. It was firemen. They were sawing down the door of my neighbour's burning house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 080
You deserved it 73 874

xnj319 tells us more.

xnj319 2

There aren't enough words allotted to tell a complete story... My sinuses are ****** in the morning, I can't smell anything until I go blow my nose. It was the neighbour's house across the street, which I can't see from my bedroom. And no, I heard no sirens. I live in a bad neighbourhood and have gotten used to sirens all night long, to the point where they no longer wake me.

Top comments

generalsmith2 0

why the hell would anyone using power tools stop using them because you told them to? fool.

lololololol Damn, people are really critical here. When you're half asleep it's like you're a different person. You have distorted judgment.


zidane312 0

seriously, lol did u not smell smoke or see the fire?

xnj319 2

There aren't enough words allotted to tell a complete story... My sinuses are ****** in the morning, I can't smell anything until I go blow my nose. It was the neighbour's house across the street, which I can't see from my bedroom. And no, I heard no sirens. I live in a bad neighbourhood and have gotten used to sirens all night long, to the point where they no longer wake me.

well it's just all about you, isn't it.

That must have been horribly embarrassing. I'm a total fright when something wakes me up, I need coffee before I can really walk in a straight line, let alone be decent to people. At this time of year where I live wildfires are fairly common and it smells like smoke more often than it doesn't. Furthermore, if your windows were open while you slept you probably would have gradually gotten used to the smoke in the air in your sleep, which would make it even harder to smell smoke.

wrestler_fml 0

Stop trying to get noticed. Nobody cares about you. I'm pretty sure the fire engines and the people didn't hear you, or even realize you existed. While others were either escaping the burning building, getting up for work/school around 6:30, or (like the fireman) saving people from burning buildings...... you are a high school dropout with no job, whining on about accidentally yelling something. Again... nobody cares. Get a life.

choppedNskrewed 0

wow 16.......that was harsh..... Incase you people haven't noticed, a lot of these stories are stupid. However, to the person it happened to, it was embarrassing. Obviously. that's why their posting it here. No need to be so insensitive about it.

choppedNskrewed 0

Wow 16....That was harsh. You don't know this person. At all. All you've ever heard of them was the 300 words they posted online. So you can't really judge them. They just feel bad for yelling something mean, then realizing that the people they yelled at were trying to put out a fire. Incase you people haven't noticed, a lot of these stories are stupid. However, to the person it happened to, it was embarrassing. Obviously. That's why their posting it here. So no need to be so obnoxious.

choppedNskrewed 0

whoops! didn't mean to post that twice! srry! my internet quit and i couldn't tell if the first one had posted....

celiaeatsballz 0

I would've done the same thing. Some of us just aren't morning people.