By ismerf19 - 22/12/2010 00:05

Today, I was working in a restaurant. On the receipt under "tip" someone actually took the time to write out "$0.00." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 452
You deserved it 7 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

People only do that when they want you to know they aren't tipping you because you did a crappy job.

lol... cheapskate... nice way to tell you you didn't work hard enough xD


chimariavirus29 0

I write the 0.00 out as well. that's because here in Texas if you don't write it in. they will automatically take a tip. Also it might be because I will pay cash for the tip.

I'll do it again tomorrow if you don't shape up and give a little better service you daft motherfugger

well did you do a terrible job serving them?

I hate tipping. what a bullshit custom. I worked in retail and served people so much, got treated like shit, and it didn't mean they bought anything. I got nothing. in fact, I had to refuse anything given to me. i made the same wage as any waitress. **** tipping.

That's odd considering waitresses are usually paid half of whatever minimum wage is for every other job because tips are expected to make up the rest of their pay. That means if minimum wage for everyone else is 8.00 than for a waitress it is about 4. If you were getting paid on the same scale as a waitress without being in a tipping position then your job was doing something illegal.

That's only if you live in the United States though I don't presume to speak for other countries.

minimum wage? if a waitress makes less then minimum wage then the employer is breaking the law.that is why they have the law, regardless of what your job is. if you make less then that you need to speak to an employment board.

" According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, tipped employees are individuals engaged in occupations in which they customarily and regularly receive more than $30 a month in tips. The employer may consider tips as part of wages, but the employer must pay at least $2.13 an hour in direct wages." That's from the United States Department of Labor web site.

add a 1 to the 0.00 for a ten dollar tip

It's hard to know if YDI or not. It's quite possible the service was bad. But on the other hand I know some people don't tip just because they can. I was a server for 6 years and sometimes you get cheap people who are willing to spend money on food for themselves but wouldn't dare give any extra cash (even a few bucks!) to their server because it is "optional." Even for a slow server who seems to be more interested in talking to coworkers than serving their table, I would still leave a small amount. (Of course if the server was outright rude or out-of-line, there may be an exception). I have a friend who purposely complains loudly about horrible service and how she is leaving no tip, even when we have had a wonderful server. Last comment, despite the fact that (when I served) I occasionally would get a bad tip/no tip from a table, most tables were more than generous. I regularly made $20-25 per hour in tips working at an American-food chain restaurant, for work that is really not difficult at all. I feel that servers are well-compensated for the work that they do and I hate to hear servers complain about one bad tipper.

Even if I'm paying by card, I tend to leave tips in cash, and I always put something else on the tip line so no one can write in a tip. They may have been doing the same thing, though I think just writing "cash" on the tip line is more practical.

MasterLeague97 0

@OP Damn, that's gotta suck. I hope you get a better job and **** that guy for being ignorant, he could at least be somewhat thankful for having you make him somethinh.

I do that when I pay with my card but leave a cash tip because I've had people write in their own tip when I left that line blank