By whyme27 - 09/09/2009 02:41 - Canada

Today, I washed one of my roommates t-shirts. I forgot to remove it before putting it in the dryer, and all the print on the front melted off. It was a gift from his girlfriend. Who has just passed away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 572
You deserved it 20 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JFry 0

Oh wow, I bet hes gonna love that when he finds out.


shyguy_fml 0

Uhmm, go out and try to buy the exact t-shirt again?

gutted. i feel sorry for you and your roommate

jessicadawg 0

FYL. now your friend is gonna be even more sad, but look at the bright side at least you have clean clothes.

Not to be an insensitive prick, but doesn't that make her his ex?

Nope. Do you ever hear widows refer to their dead spouse as their ex husband?

See, that's why you go through your laundry and check the tags BEFORE putting stuff in the dryer. Especially if there's a print on some of the clothing. YDI.

so when you do laundry you spend the time checking each and every tag for wash instructions? do you sort your dirty clothes by wash temps and with compatible colors too? be realistic, who does that? get a life idiot.

Prettyfunny 0

@25: Maybe it's just because I have a lot of clothes, but I definitely sort by color and by wash temperature. It's something my mom did, and that's how I was taught. Also, I check tags if I've never washed an item before, but after that I know if it can be dried or washed or dry-cleaned or whatever.

The op is a woman and your just a complete asshole for saying something like that anyway!

wait youre a girl and your roomie is a guy? what awesome uni is this?

Room mating exists outside of universities, idiot.

Oh wow... YDI... You shouldn't of touched something like that.

ydi three times over. Even though it was nice to do laundry, you shouldn't muck around with things you know have sentimental value to others.