By Anonymous - 11/02/2012 01:06 - Canada

Today, I watched "The Vow" with my girlfriend. When the movie ended, we walked out to the theatre's lobby, and I heard her mutter, "I deserve a guy like him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 623
You deserved it 10 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they say chick flicks are good for men

No one can beat Channing Tatum. It's impossible I'm sorry..


Same thing happened to me man. I know how you feel

Anybody that stays with someone they don't like doesn't deserve a guy like in the movie

"Then go out and find one, because I deserve a girl as hot as her."

sugarbear0727 19

It's just a comment. Don't get your panties in a twist. I say stuff like that all the time to my boyfriend. But he can take a joke. And you, she was probably still caught up in the movie. I just saw avengers the other day, and I was making comments about it all day. Like when Tony is trying to call his sweetie so he can say something to her before he gets stuck with a bomb in another world, I said to my sister 'I wish my bf would do that'. But there is no possible way my bf would ever be in that situation, so therefore, it was just a comment.

softpaws 17

Every girl does! Especially one that looks like channing tatum :)

The_9th_Doctor 18

that's why I hate chick flicks. it give unrealistic views of men to women

Sounds like she doesn't actually 'deserve' anything. What a bitch.