By Anonymous - 11/02/2012 01:06 - Canada

Today, I watched "The Vow" with my girlfriend. When the movie ended, we walked out to the theatre's lobby, and I heard her mutter, "I deserve a guy like him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 623
You deserved it 10 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they say chick flicks are good for men

No one can beat Channing Tatum. It's impossible I'm sorry..


Doesn't mean you can't try to be like that.

Posts like this just make me think that maybe if the girl thinks she deserves better she should try all of that romantic shit for her boyfriend too. I know the guy is "supposed to be the strong one" and all but if you love him or care for him show it - give him a shoulder rub when he comes home from work achey and tired, play video games or watch his favourite show with him, be just as into his sexual pleasure as you'd want him to be for you, stay up late with him if he can't sleep, look after him when he's sick. If you do all those things and he doesn't reciprocate then sure maybe there's a problem but if you expect that kind of thing and don't give it back, the problem is you.