By medosin - 21/05/2012 12:10 - Austria

Today, I went into Whole Foods asking if they carried a supplement called Carnosine. The girl assisting me had no idea what it was, but asked, "Is this for weight loss?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 333
You deserved it 4 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it seems like she wasn't trying to be mean, but she shouldn't assume. Maybe alot of people come in for weight loss pills?

you shoulda just been like "yeah, I bet you know all about that", then walked off with yo diva self.


OP, weight loss products are common. were in the food isle and asked for an odd product...I'd have made the same assumption

Everything in Whole Foods is for money loss.

Probably just asking so she could direct you to a certain section of the store.

She may have been most frequently asked where the weight loss supplements are, so she assumed that's what you were also looking for. Still unprofessional, but not necessarily a jab at you.

hell its a supplement. i dont know what it is. so, she was probably just asking a legitimate question, not insulting you.

tehdarkness 21

So, what is it! Gah! Now I have to google it...

It was probably just a legitimate question. Don't be so thin-skinned.

there is a common suppliment called carnitine which is used for weight loss/ ripping down. dont always assume someone is dumber than you.

There's a drug that assists with weight-loss called L-Cartenine. Maybe she thought that's what you meant. :)

rossbilly 7

The girl did not infer that you are fat, she asked for additional information about the product. She could have just as easily thought "well the customer in front of me is attractive, so must be picking up the supplement for a friend" Stop choosing to be offended, or insisting that people are out to attack you.